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Advancing social and economic justice, sustainable development, and positive change at national and global levels.

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Edward Snowden’s dramatic NSA revelations are only the tip of an iceberg that threatens to sink the Constitution. As Beatrice Edwards reveals, a host of government agencies are rendering our Bill of Rights meaningless by heavy surveillance of average citizens, political persecution of dissenters, and the threat of indefinite detention now codified into law. Corporations assist and reap handsome profits as a result—70 percent of the $56.2 billion US intelligence budget is paid to private contractors.


As a result, we now live in a Corporate Security State where the government is more interested in safeguarding the health of the companies that serve it than the citizens who support it.

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Outsmart Waste

Why DOES garbage exist in human society? Why has it become a problem only in the last century? And most importantly, how can we eliminate it—outsmart the very idea of garbage?

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

Business and political leaders are ignoring the one force that could truly re-energize the stalled American economy: the poor.