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Welcome to BK Currents

Advancing social and economic justice, sustainable development, and positive change at national and global levels.

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People often ask, “If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we solve global hunger?” That very question demonstrates the fatal flaw in the dominant way of dealing with difficult social challenges: they’re treated like straightforward technical problems. Organizations do a few studies, establish some goals, devise a plan, and attempt implementation. As a look around the world sadly shows, this hasn’t worked.

Issues like poverty, ethnic conflict, and climate change are incredibly dynamic and complex, involving an ever-shifting array of factors, actors, and circumstances. They demand a more fluid and adaptive approach.

New Releases

The Nonviolence Handbook

Advocates nonviolence as the most effective approach to bringing about social change, not simply the most ethical.

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

Business and political leaders are ignoring the one force that could truly re-energize the stalled American economy: the poor.