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About the Author

Janice Gassam Asare

Dr. Janice Gassam Asare is a journalist, speaker, trainer, consultant, and podcaster. Her Forbes articles have had 7+ million page views in the past four years. Her writing has also appeared in Harvard Business Review, Insider, and FastCompany. She has over 100,000 social media followers, and she has 23,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel. She does speaking and training engagements 50 times per year. Janice began her career in business as a training coordinator, organization development associate, bank teller, and human resources intern. Janice is a LinkedIn Learning and Udemy Business course instructor and was named a LinkedIn Top Voice in Racial Equity. She earned a PhD in Applied Organizational Psychology and was an assistant professor of management at Sacred Heart University. In 2022, she left academia to focus on her consultancy.

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