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Press contact: Cynthia Shannon,, 415-743-6469


The Art of Recalling, Reclaiming, and Recasting Your Past to Become a Better Leader

From Answering Your Call Author John Schuster



Do not be afraid of the past. If people tell you that it is irrevocable, do not believe them. Things are in their essence what we choose to make them.  – Oscar Wilde, De Profundis


Most of us don’t use our yesterdays very well. With our cultural obsession with “living in the moment,” we neglect to engage in creative reflection on our personal histories. In The Power Of Your Past: The Art of Recalling, Reclaiming, and Recasting (Berrett-Koehler, April 2011, $15.95; ISBN: 978-1-605-09826-5), John Schuster systematically demonstrates that our pasts are the biggest, most accessible, and most under-utilized of resources for anyone wanting to make positive changes.


In contrast to other more technical, spiritual, or therapeutic guides that address working with one’s past, he offers a balanced, practical and accessible approach through an actionable three-phase model: Recalling, Reclaiming, and Recasting. He provides exercises that link past events to achieving sounder interpretations and illustrates the process with inspiring histories of those who have experienced transformative results through embracing their own professional and personal pasts.


Schuster also includes stories for people he interviewed, a list that includes guitarist and performer Tommy Emmanuel;  John Pepper, former CEO of Procter and Gamble; Gifford Pinchot, social entrepreneur and thought leader for innovation and sustainable business; Valerie Morris, CNN anchor for 15 years; and David Dotlich, author and leadership development guru.


Schuster provides insight, encouragement, and steps for essential professional and personal development. Readers who follow this model will make progress in careers short on heart and meaning, overcome obstacles that other methods can’t address, and make decisions based on their truth, not the “versions” of truth they have inherited and not fully examined. They will enjoy the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that all they need to grow—insight, courage and persistence are the ingredients—is already within.



About the Author

John P. Schuster is an author, executive coach, CEO mentor, consultant and facilitator who works with established corporations, government, nonprofits and entrepreneurs. His business The Schuster Kane Alliance, Inc. specializes in coaching, leadership training, and financial acumen through its business simulation Profit and Cash®, which has been played by 450,000 participants across a range of industries.


John serves as a faculty member for coaching certification programs at Columbia University and the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. He is the coach in residence with Merryck and Co., the largest CEO mentoring firm in the world. He has been voted trainer of the year by the Kansas City chapter of the American Society of Training and Development and was a chairman for Vistage, a peer-learning group for CEOs, in both Kansas City and Cincinnati. 


Additional Resources

 Potential Story Angles


Q&A with John Schuster