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"The Whole-Scale approach shrinks multiple-year change projects to weeks and months. The models in this book revolutionize organizational change by unleashing all human capital. I've seen it work. To me, Whole-Scale is not magic, it's a miracle."

-- Richard L. Daft, coauthor of Fusion Leadership

"If readers truly heed the advice in Whole-Scale Change, resistance will cease being a major impediment to successful change."

-- Rick Maurer, author of Beyond the Wall of Resistance

"An important book in showing how the principles of systems thinking and process consultation can combine to create a change program that truly draws on the wisdom of the organization itself. Helping an organization to help itself is the key principle, and it is thoroughly embodied in the various programs and tools that are described and illustrated."

-- Edgar H. Schein, Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus and Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management