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Chapter 1: Take Heed of Net Speed!
Over-connected, over-worked, over-informed and overwhelmed
Chapter 2: Launch the Search Engine Within
Personal diagnosis and insights
Chapter 3: How Organizations Help and Hinder
The problems-and the potential-that lurk in organizations
Chapter 4: SOLUTIONS: The Connection Conundrum
Choosing how much or how little to be connected and accessible
Chapter 5: SOLUTIONS: Unplug to Reenergize
Disconnecting and creating moments of serenity
Chapter 6: SOLUTIONS: Techno-Triage
Filtering for critical information
Chapter 7: SOLUTIONS: Creating Community
Connecting with others-the lost art of human contact
Chapter 8: Your Digital Divide
Exploring possibilities, making personal choices and implementing solutions
Chapter 9: Reminders-For Those Who Don't Own a Retrospectoscope
The power of perspective combined with a strong sense of priorities