Part I: Building an Emotion-Friendly Service Culture The Customer Is Always Emotional
- Emotions Matter
- Valuing the Emotionality in Customer Communications
- Managing Emotions Begins with Me
- Positive Emotional States Add Value
- Shifting to Positive Emotions
Part II: Choosing Emotional Competence Emotional Labor or Emotional Competence?
- The Challenge of Burnout
- Managing for Emotional Authenticity
- Fostering Positive Interdependency
- The Customer Isn't Always Right . . .
- Hiring for Emotional Competence
- Defining the Emotional Requirements of Service Jobs
- The Necessity of Ongoing Education
- Staff Autonomy and Emotional Competence
Part III: Maximizing Customer Experience with Empathy Satisfaction Isn't Good Enough . . . Anymore
- The Challenge in Measuring Customer Emotions
- The Gift of Empathy
- Creating a Climate for Generous Empathy
- Broadcasting Service Successes
- Measuring Emotional Reactions
Part IV: Viewing Complaints as Emotional Opportunities Complaints: Emotional Opportunities
- Fundamentals of Complaints
- Going from Problems to Partners
- Empowering Staff Is More than Giving Permission
- Creating a Craving for Feedback
- Focusing on Lifetime Customer Value
- Talking to the Emotionality of Complaints
- Turning Complaints into Customer Learning Opportunities
- Taking Complaints Seriously
- Eliminating Blame!
- Expanding the Zone of Tolerance
- When Corporate Customers Complain
Part V: Using Emotional Connections to Increase Customer Loyalty Loyalty Is a Behavior with Its Roots in Emotions
- Emotional Drivers of Loyalty and Value
- Listening to the Voices of Loyal Customers
- Retaining Customers by Retaining Staff
- Going for Impact: That's Where Emotions Reside
- Communicating a Message of Fairness
A. Emotions: Research Background
B. What Does Marketing Research Tell Us About Consumer Emotions?
C. The Elusive Link Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Summary of the Research
D. Complaint Handling: Where Does the Research Take Us?
E. 8-Step Gift Formula