"Vital reading for anyone interested in how business and the corporation can serve mankind and build a sustainable future."
"Herman Maynard and Sue Mehrtens are two of the more brilliant futurists we have on the planet today. Their ideas of what business will be in the future as described in The Fourth Wave are radical, exciting, and rich with creative new direction."
"The Fourth Wave identifies a wave of the future for corporations that only a few years ago would have seemed wild romanticism, but now looks to be inevitable. This is a thought-provoking book which will contribute constructively to the dialogue about the new role of business on the planet."
"The Fourth Wave goes directly to the heart of the shape of the transformation in the business community that is now beginning to unfold."
"Maynard and Mehrtens have produced just the book we need in this period of chaotic transition in the world and in business. Like all great creative works, The Fourth Wave represents a synergy between seemingly incongruous elements. The authors combine deep corporate business experience with a sweeping scholarship in all the disciplines needed to understand the natrue of business today....Read and act on this book."
"The most definitive treatment of what's happening in the real world of business, where it's heading, and cutting-edge ideas that are helping us get there."
"Herman Maynard and Sue Mehrtens have provided a powerful vision for the world of commerce. I heartily applaud and enthusiastically recommend The Fourth Wave to any forward-thinking businessperson."
"This stimulating and powerful book will provoke an all-so-necessary dialogue about what creates sustainable wealth and quality of life on this earth."
"Insightful and disturbing! The authors have pulled no punches and force the reaer to look squarely at the critical issues of business, social responsibility, and leadership."