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"Wherever you are on your life path, you'll find Geoff Bellman to be a compassionate companion and coach. His conversational writing style reflects decades of experience engaging people in self-directed change processes. Be prepared to be moved in a direction that is uniquely yours."

Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, coauthors of Your Money or Your Life

"Geoff Bellman has, with extraordinary insight and straight talk, given us thoughtful guidance for finding our path through life and work. His book goes beyond philosophy to include self-development exercises in every chapter. In effect, Bellman has written a workbook for life itself."

James A. Autry, author of Confessions of an Accidental Businessman, Love and Profit, and Life and Work

"Your Signature Path gracefully poses the simple yet powerful questions that allow readers to reaffirm or discover the central patterns in their lives. Once in place, this understanding helps them find the courage and skill necessary to speak up about important issues-at work and at home."

Kathleen D. Ryan, coauthor of The Courageous Messenger and Driving Fear Out of the Workplace