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"Hazel Henderson's lucid and vigorous analysis points to a creative and hopeful future, in which cooperation becomes the most dynamic force in the world economy."

Harlan Cleveland, President, The World Academy of Art and Science

"At a time when conventional economics is tottering into senility, a handful of thinkers are forging imaginative alternatives. Hazel Henderson is among the most eloquent, original-and readable-of the econo-clasts."

Alvin and Heidi Toffler, authors of The Third Wave

"For 25 years, Hazel Henderson has been opening the doors and windows of the stifling incense-filled cathedrals of orthodox economics, letting in fresh air and light from the real world. If the priests of received doctrine would stop canting their liturgy to each other long enough to read this book, it would indeed be a 'win-win' move for all of us."

Herman E. Daly, coauthor of For the Common Good

"Hazel Henderson has given us a road map for traversing the new global economy of the Information Age. She has effectively blended together a lifetime of keen insights into the relationships between science, technology, economy, and the environment in a provocative and timely book that is likely to be widely read and discussed."

Jeremy Rifkin, author of The End of Work

"The most precious commodity in the world is hope, and Hazel Henderson's Building a Win-Win World is a motherlode. She finds paths from competition to cooperation, from hierarchy to diversity, from global abuse to grassroots solutions-and thus from isolated despair to communal action."

Gloria Steinem, author of Moving Beyond Words

"One of the foremost thinkers of our time challenges us to take a penetrating look at our values and the way we live."

Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain Awakens

"Hazel Henderson is my favorite paradigm smasher, but she is much more! Let others waste their breath crying doom. Hazel is busy identifying a host of overlooked potentials and promising developments at the grassroots level and in the civil society that can move us into a humane and livable future."

Elise Boulding, Professor Emerita, Dartmouth College, and author of Building a Global Civic Culture