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1. The Bones of Hammurabi
(Meet the original control freak)
2. Those Amazing Digit-Heads
(A brief history of decision-making)
3. The Golden Egg Cafe
(How compromise chokes innovation)
4. Caligula's Chariot Race
(Quality challenges a cheat)
5. The Lost Cult of Consensus
(The only thing everyone can agree on)
6. The Labyrinth of Bull
(Where bureaucracy is king)
7. The Tell-Tale Telex
(Shame is a management skill)
8. Cataract Woman
(Why we need "the vision thing")
9. Constantine's Culture Change
(The change master from hell)
10. The Hungry Thoughts of Slaves
(Who will lead us?)
11. Killer Bees
(How consulting got started)
12. Augustine's Confession
(Finding the limits of management)