1. How do you become an ideaer?
2. Follow the golden rule
3. Remember that people work with you, not for you
4. Care about them
5. Make their jobs seem easy
6. Don't ask for one solutionAsk for many
7. Don't reject ideasAsk for more
8. Give them more than one problem at a time
9. Ask for more ideas, sooner
10. Make sure they like you
11. Cut down on approvals
12. Tell them everything about their company
13. Give them what they need
14. Take the blame / Give the praise away
15. Help them achieve their goals
16. Hire only people you like
17. If it isn't working, change it
18. Get rid of sad dogs who spread gloom
19. Let them solo
20. Let them do it their way
21. Make sure the problem is the problem
22. Shun rules
23. Trust them
24. Let them shine
25. Praise their efforts
26. Allow them the freedom to fail
27. Never lie about anything important
28. Be wary of fear
29. Show some enthusiasm
30. Ask them to help you
31. Get rid of the word "I"
32. Make it Us vs Them, not Us vs Us
33. Share what everybody does
34. Share experiences
35. Insist on vacations
36. Let them vacation when they want to vacation
37. Forget about efficiency
38. Play the fool
39. Cancel school
40. Have fun
41. A final word