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Why Should You Care?


Part 1: How You Look

1. Consider First Impressions Like First Loves

2. Take Stage

3. Channel the Passion

4. Translate Your Body Language to Credibility

5. Don't Disappear


Part 2: How You Talk

6. Be Professional, Not Professorial

7. Heed the Highlighter Principle

8. Say the Right Thing at the Right Time and Leave Unsaid the Wrong Thing at the Emotional Moment

9. Abandon Chicken Little, But Stop Sugarcoating

10. Move the Conversation Forward


Part 3: How You THink

11. Think Strategically

12. Cut Through the Clutter

13. Take a Point of View

14. Think Like Hollywood

15. Learn to Think on Your Feet Under Pressure


Part 4: How You Act

16. Engage Emotionally

17. Master Modesty and Mind Your Manners

18. Lighten Up Without Letting Down

19. Commit to What You Communicate

20. Show Up, Own Up, and Straighten It Up


A Final Note

The Personal Presence of Self-Assessment




About the Author