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Part I: The 8-Step Preferred Futuring Model
1. Step 1: Review History
2. Step 2: Identify What's Working and What's Not
3. Step 3: Identify Values and Beliefs
4. Step 4: Identify Relevant Events, Developments, and Trends
5. Step 5: Create a Preferred Future Vision
6. Step 6: Translate Future Visions into Action Goals
7. Step 7: Plan for Action
8. Step 8: Create a STructure of Implementing the Plan
Part II: Using the Preferred Futuring Model
9. Putting Preferred Futuring into Practice: The Basics
10. Preferred Futuring: For Organizations and Institutions
11. Preferred Futuring: For Communities
12. Knowing When to Use Preferred Futuring
13. How Preferred Futuring Has been Used
14. IMplications for Leaders and Change Agents
Part III: The Scientific and Spiritual Basis for Preferred Futuring
15. Why Preferred Futuring Really Works