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Introduction: Excuse Me, Is This the “Real” World?

Part One: How Much You Pay

Chapter 1: The Beardstown Ladies versus the Professionals
Chapter 2: The Extraordinarily High Cost of Investment  Advice
Chapter 3: The Outer Limits: Hedge Fund Fees
Chapter 4: Taxes Down The Drain
Chapter 5: Why Do We Give Golden Crumbs to Rick People?

Part Two: How Little You Get

Chapter 6: Why Investment Professionals Can’t Predict Markets
Chapter 7: The Abject Failure of Professional Advisors and Managers
Chapter 8: The Market Can Turn on a Dime
Chapter 9: The Claims of Money Managers
Chapter 10: Idle, Greedy Hands and Too Much Data Do the Devil’s Work
Chapter 11: The Simple Rules of Nobel Prize Winners
Chapter 12: There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
Chapter 13: Investment Genius or the Thousandth Coin?

Part Three: How You Are Sold

Chapter 14: Effective Pitches to Sell the Big Lie
Chapter 15: How Investors Delude Themselves
Chapter 16: How Hedge Funds Operate and Are Sold
Chapter 17: How Consultants and Money Managers Sell to Institutional Investors
Chapter 18: Derivatives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Chapter 19: The Modern Slippery Slope of Business Ethics

Conclusion: The Ten New Commandments for Smart Investing

About the Author