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"A well-developed set of theories and best practices, reinforced through excellent current and historical examples and cases, that strengthens leaders at all levels."

--Marshall Carter, Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange


"A wise and capacious book on the real challenges of leadership. Williams writes with a rare and unique global perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot."

--Warren Bennis, University Professor, University of Southern California, and author of On Becoming a Leader


"Individuals can make a difference, particularly if they are willing to exercise real leadership. I welcome the broad and refreshing approach Williams adopts, which should help to foster new leadership."

--Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


"In this fresh, provocative book, Dean Williams sets forth a sweeping and different view of Real Leadership. He brings to these pages a rich accumulation of insights. Whether or not you agree with him, this book deserves your close attention."

--David Gergen, Former adviser to five U.S. presidents, and Director, Center for Public Leadership at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University