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"I'm often in a position where I have to make staffing choices that don't seem to be an ideal fit. Using the Paradoxical Thinking process for finding alternatives has given me insights I would not have seen otherwise. Now when I'm asked, 'Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?' I respond enthusiastically, 'Yes!'"

Frank Skidmore, Director (CIO), Quality and Information Technology Networking Systems, IBM Corporation

"Fletcher and Olwyler... provide very practical advice for sorting out tough choices and taking action to resolve them. Read this book carefully. It will change your view of the world-and of yourself. More importantly, it will raise your personal performance-I guarantee it."

Edwina Melville-Gray, Director, Training and Development, Hay Management Consultants

"Fletcher and Olwyler have taken our understanding of paradoxical thinking to a new level and help us to make a significant difference in all of our endeavors."

Robert E. Quinn, Chair, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, School of Business Administration, University of Michigan